The Artwork of Roland Tamayo

Sometimes I run across some beautiful artistic reaction to things aquatic that really takes my breath away, whether a mural, a glass sculpture, or in this case, paintings. I was perusing my tumblr dashboard this morning and saw this:This is the work of artist Roland Tamayo. According to his website, he apparently used to work as a concept artist for video games and now does a lot of work combining elements of nature with man-made things. Here is another of my favorites:and this one as well….There is a link to his website over to the right. Click over and take a look. There are some whimsical and amazing paintings that you can peruse. (When everything around me starts to feel the same and uniform, and all I can think is “jaded jaded cynicism jaded”, looking at art that is not only beautiful but whimsical and provocative really helps.)

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